use core::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
use num_traits::{NumOps, One, Signed, Unsigned, Zero};
use crate::{arith::Arithmetic, error::ArithmeticError};
pub trait DoubleWidth: Sized + Unsigned {
type Wide: Copy + From<Self> + TryInto<Self> + NumOps + Unsigned;
type SignedWide: Copy + From<Self> + TryInto<Self> + NumOps + Zero + One + Signed + PartialOrd;
impl DoubleWidth for u8 {
type Wide = u16;
type SignedWide = i16;
impl DoubleWidth for u16 {
type Wide = u32;
type SignedWide = i32;
impl DoubleWidth for u32 {
type Wide = u64;
type SignedWide = i64;
impl DoubleWidth for u64 {
type Wide = u128;
type SignedWide = i128;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ModularArithmetic<T> {
pub(super) modulus: T,
impl<T> ModularArithmetic<T>
T: Clone + PartialEq + NumOps + Unsigned + Zero + One,
pub fn new(modulus: T) -> Self {
assert!(!modulus.is_zero(), "Modulus cannot be 0");
assert!(!modulus.is_one(), "Modulus cannot be 1");
Self { modulus }
pub fn modulus(&self) -> &T {
impl<T> ModularArithmetic<T>
T: Copy + PartialEq + NumOps + Unsigned + Zero + One + DoubleWidth,
fn mul_inner(self, x: T, y: T) -> T {
let wide = (<T::Wide>::from(x) * <T::Wide>::from(y)) % <T::Wide>::from(self.modulus);
wide.try_into().ok().unwrap() }
fn invert(self, value: T) -> Option<T> {
let value = value % self.modulus; let mut t = <T::SignedWide>::zero();
let mut new_t = <T::SignedWide>::one();
let modulus = <T::SignedWide>::from(self.modulus);
let mut r = modulus;
let mut new_r = <T::SignedWide>::from(value);
while !new_r.is_zero() {
let quotient = r / new_r;
t = t - quotient * new_t;
mem::swap(&mut new_t, &mut t);
r = r - quotient * new_r;
mem::swap(&mut new_r, &mut r);
if r > <T::SignedWide>::one() {
None } else {
if t.is_negative() {
t = t + modulus;
fn modular_exp(self, base: T, mut exp: usize) -> T {
if exp == 0 {
return T::one();
let wide_modulus = <T::Wide>::from(self.modulus);
let mut base = <T::Wide>::from(base % self.modulus);
while exp & 1 == 0 {
base = (base * base) % wide_modulus;
exp >>= 1;
if exp == 1 {
return base.try_into().ok().unwrap(); }
let mut acc = base;
while exp > 1 {
exp >>= 1;
base = (base * base) % wide_modulus;
if exp & 1 == 1 {
acc = (acc * base) % wide_modulus;
acc.try_into().ok().unwrap() }
impl<T> Arithmetic<T> for ModularArithmetic<T>
T: Copy + PartialEq + NumOps + Zero + One + DoubleWidth,
usize: TryFrom<T>,
fn add(&self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
let wide = (<T::Wide>::from(x) + <T::Wide>::from(y)) % <T::Wide>::from(self.modulus);
Ok(wide.try_into().ok().unwrap()) }
fn sub(&self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
let y = y % self.modulus; self.add(x, self.modulus - y)
fn mul(&self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
Ok(self.mul_inner(x, y))
fn div(&self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
if y.is_zero() {
} else {
let y_inv = self.invert(y).ok_or(ArithmeticError::NoInverse)?;
self.mul(x, y_inv)
fn pow(&self, x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
let exp = usize::try_from(y).map_err(|_| ArithmeticError::InvalidExponent)?;
Ok(self.modular_exp(x, exp))
fn neg(&self, x: T) -> Result<T, ArithmeticError> {
let x = x % self.modulus; Ok(self.modulus - x)
fn eq(&self, x: &T, y: &T) -> bool {
*x % self.modulus == *y % self.modulus
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ModularArithmetic<u8>: Arithmetic<u8>);
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ModularArithmetic<u16>: Arithmetic<u16>);
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ModularArithmetic<u32>: Arithmetic<u32>);
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ModularArithmetic<u64>: Arithmetic<u64>);
mod tests {
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng};
use super::*;
fn modular_arithmetic_basics() {
let arithmetic = ModularArithmetic::new(11_u32);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.add(1, 5).unwrap(), 6);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.add(2, 9).unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.add(5, 9).unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.add(5, 20).unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.sub(5, 9).unwrap(), 7);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.sub(5, 20).unwrap(), 7);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.mul(5, 4).unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.mul(11, 4).unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(u32::MAX % 11, 3);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.mul(u32::MAX, u32::MAX).unwrap(), 9);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.div(1, 4).unwrap(), 3); assert_eq!(arithmetic.div(2, 4).unwrap(), 6);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.div(1, 9).unwrap(), 5); assert_eq!(arithmetic.pow(2, 5).unwrap(), 10);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.pow(3, 10).unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(arithmetic.pow(3, 4).unwrap(), 4);
assert_eq!(arithmetic.pow(7, 3).unwrap(), 2);
fn modular_arithmetic_never_overflows() {
const MODULUS: u8 = 241;
let arithmetic = ModularArithmetic::new(MODULUS);
for x in 0..=u8::MAX {
for y in 0..=u8::MAX {
let expected = (u16::from(x) + u16::from(y)) % u16::from(MODULUS);
assert_eq!(u16::from(arithmetic.add(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
let mut expected = (i16::from(x) - i16::from(y)) % i16::from(MODULUS);
if expected < 0 {
expected += i16::from(MODULUS);
assert_eq!(i16::from(arithmetic.sub(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
let expected = (u16::from(x) * u16::from(y)) % u16::from(MODULUS);
assert_eq!(u16::from(arithmetic.mul(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
for x in 0..=u8::MAX {
let inv = arithmetic.invert(x);
if x % MODULUS == 0 {
} else {
let inv = u16::from(inv.unwrap());
assert_eq!((inv * u16::from(x)) % u16::from(MODULUS), 1);
const SAMPLE_COUNT: usize = 25_000;
fn mini_fuzz_for_prime_modulus(modulus: u64) {
let arithmetic = ModularArithmetic::new(modulus);
let unsigned_wide_mod = u128::from(modulus);
let signed_wide_mod = i128::from(modulus);
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(modulus);
for (x, y) in (0..SAMPLE_COUNT).map(|_| rng.gen::<(u64, u64)>()) {
let expected = (u128::from(x) + u128::from(y)) % unsigned_wide_mod;
assert_eq!(u128::from(arithmetic.add(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
let mut expected = (i128::from(x) - i128::from(y)) % signed_wide_mod;
if expected < 0 {
expected += signed_wide_mod;
assert_eq!(i128::from(arithmetic.sub(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
let expected = (u128::from(x) * u128::from(y)) % unsigned_wide_mod;
assert_eq!(u128::from(arithmetic.mul(x, y).unwrap()), expected);
for x in (0..SAMPLE_COUNT).map(|_| rng.gen::<u64>()) {
let inv = arithmetic.invert(x);
if x % modulus == 0 {
} else {
let inv = u128::from(inv.unwrap());
assert_eq!((inv * u128::from(x)) % unsigned_wide_mod, 1);
for _ in 0..(SAMPLE_COUNT / 10) {
let x = rng.gen::<u64>();
let wide_x = u128::from(x);
let exp = rng.gen_range(1_u64..1_000);
let expected_pow = (0..exp).fold(1_u128, |acc, _| (acc * wide_x) % unsigned_wide_mod);
assert_eq!(u128::from(arithmetic.pow(x, exp).unwrap()), expected_pow);
if x % modulus != 0 {
let pow = arithmetic.pow(x, modulus - 1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pow, 1);
fn mini_fuzz_for_small_modulus() {
fn mini_fuzz_for_u32_modulus() {
fn mini_fuzz_for_large_u64_modulus() {