use core::{fmt, marker::PhantomData};
pub use self::traits::{
ErrorOutput, FromValueError, FromValueErrorKind, FromValueErrorLocation, IntoEvalResult,
use crate::{
alloc::Vec, error::AuxErrorInfo, CallContext, ErrorKind, EvalResult, NativeFn, SpannedValue,
mod traits;
pub const fn wrap<const CTX: bool, T, F>(function: F) -> FnWrapper<T, F, CTX> {
pub struct FnWrapper<T, F, const CTX: bool = false> {
function: F,
_arg_types: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T, F, const CTX: bool> fmt::Debug for FnWrapper<T, F, CTX>
F: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("function", &self.function)
.field("context", &CTX)
impl<T, F: Clone, const CTX: bool> Clone for FnWrapper<T, F, CTX> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
function: self.function.clone(),
_arg_types: PhantomData,
impl<T, F: Copy, const CTX: bool> Copy for FnWrapper<T, F, CTX> {}
impl<T, F, const CTX: bool> FnWrapper<T, F, CTX> {
pub const fn new(function: F) -> Self {
Self {
_arg_types: PhantomData,
macro_rules! arity_fn {
($arity:tt, $with_ctx:tt $(, $ctx_name:ident : $ctx_t:ty)? => $($arg_name:ident : $t:ident),*) => {
impl<Num, F, Ret, $($t,)*> NativeFn<Num> for FnWrapper<(Ret, $($t,)*), F, $with_ctx>
F: Fn($($ctx_t,)? $($t,)*) -> Ret,
$($t: TryFromValue<Num>,)*
Ret: IntoEvalResult<Num>,
#[allow(clippy::shadow_unrelated)] #[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut)] fn evaluate(
args: Vec<SpannedValue<Num>>,
context: &mut CallContext<'_, Num>,
) -> EvalResult<Num> {
context.check_args_count(&args, $arity)?;
let mut args_iter = args.into_iter().enumerate();
let (index, $arg_name) =;
let span = $arg_name.with_no_extra();
let $arg_name = $t::try_from_value($arg_name.extra).map_err(|mut err| {
.with_location(&span, AuxErrorInfo::InvalidArg)
$(let $ctx_name = &mut *context;)?
let output = (self.function)($($ctx_name,)? $($arg_name,)*);
output.into_eval_result().map_err(|err| err.into_spanned(context))
arity_fn!(0, false =>);
arity_fn!(0, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> =>);
arity_fn!(1, false => x0: T);
arity_fn!(1, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T);
arity_fn!(2, false => x0: T, x1: U);
arity_fn!(2, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U);
arity_fn!(3, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V);
arity_fn!(3, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V);
arity_fn!(4, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W);
arity_fn!(4, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W);
arity_fn!(5, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X);
arity_fn!(5, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X);
arity_fn!(6, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y);
arity_fn!(6, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y);
arity_fn!(7, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z);
arity_fn!(7, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z);
arity_fn!(8, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A);
arity_fn!(8, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A);
arity_fn!(9, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A, x8: B);
arity_fn!(9, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A, x8: B);
arity_fn!(10, false => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A, x8: B, x9: C);
arity_fn!(10, true, ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, Num> => x0: T, x1: U, x2: V, x3: W, x4: X, x5: Y, x6: Z, x7: A, x8: B, x9: C);
pub type Unary<T> = FnWrapper<(T, T), fn(T) -> T>;
pub type Binary<T> = FnWrapper<(T, T, T), fn(T, T) -> T>;
pub type Ternary<T> = FnWrapper<(T, T, T, T), fn(T, T, T) -> T>;
pub type Quaternary<T> = FnWrapper<(T, T, T, T, T), fn(T, T, T, T) -> T>;
mod tests {
use arithmetic_parser::grammars::{F32Grammar, Parse, Untyped};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use super::*;
use crate::{
alloc::{format, ToOwned},
env::{Environment, Prelude},
exec::{ExecutableModule, WildcardId},
Function, Object, Tuple, Value,
fn functions_with_primitive_args() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let unary_fn = Unary::new(|x: f32| x + 3.0);
let binary_fn = Binary::new(f32::min);
let ternary_fn = Ternary::new(|x: f32, y, z| if x > 0.0 { y } else { z });
let program = "
unary_fn(2) == 5 && binary_fn(1, -3) == -3 &&
ternary_fn(1, 2, 3) == 2 && ternary_fn(-1, 2, 3) == 3
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_native_fn("unary_fn", unary_fn)
.insert_native_fn("binary_fn", binary_fn)
.insert_native_fn("ternary_fn", ternary_fn);
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
fn array_min_max(values: Vec<f32>) -> (f32, f32) {
let mut min = f32::INFINITY;
let mut max = f32::NEG_INFINITY;
for value in values {
if value < min {
min = value;
if value > max {
max = value;
(min, max)
fn overly_convoluted_fn(xs: Vec<(f32, f32)>, ys: (Vec<f32>, f32)) -> f32 {
xs.into_iter().map(|(a, b)| a + b).sum::<f32>() + ys.0.into_iter().sum::<f32>() + ys.1
fn functions_with_composite_args() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "
array_min_max((1, 5, -3, 2, 1)) == (-3, 5) &&
total_sum(((1, 2), (3, 4)), ((5, 6, 7), 8)) == 36
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("array_min_max", array_min_max)
.insert_wrapped_fn("total_sum", overly_convoluted_fn);
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
fn sum_arrays(xs: Vec<f32>, ys: Vec<f32>) -> Result<Vec<f32>, String> {
if xs.len() == ys.len() {
Ok(xs.into_iter().zip(ys).map(|(x, y)| x + y).collect())
} else {
Err("Summed arrays must have the same size".to_owned())
fn fallible_function() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "sum_arrays((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)) == (5, 7, 9)";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("sum_arrays", sum_arrays);
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
fn fallible_function_with_bogus_program() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "sum_arrays((1, 2, 3), (4, 5))";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("sum_arrays", sum_arrays);
let err = module.with_env(&env)?.run().unwrap_err();
.contains("Summed arrays must have the same size"));
fn function_with_bool_return_value() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let contains = wrap(|(a, b): (f32, f32), x: f32| (a..=b).contains(&x));
let program = "contains((-1, 2), 0) && !contains((1, 3), 0)";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_native_fn("contains", contains);
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
fn function_with_void_return_value() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "assert_eq(3, 1 + 2)";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("assert_eq", |expected: f32, actual: f32| {
if (expected - actual).abs() < f32::EPSILON {
} else {
"Assertion failed: expected {expected}, got {actual}"
let bogus_program = "assert_eq(3, 1 - 2)";
let bogus_block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(bogus_program)?;
let err = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &bogus_block)?
ErrorKind::NativeCall(ref msg) if msg.contains("Assertion failed")
fn function_with_bool_argument() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "flip_sign(-1, true) == 1 && flip_sign(-1, false) == -1";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
|val: f32, flag: bool| if flag { -val } else { val },
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
#[allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] fn function_with_object_and_tuple() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
fn test_function(tuple: Tuple<f32>) -> Object<f32> {
let mut obj = Object::default();
obj.insert("len", Value::Prim(tuple.len() as f32));
obj.insert("tuple", tuple.into());
let program = "
{ len, tuple } = test((1, 1, 1));
len == 3 && tuple == (1, 1, 1)
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let test_function = Value::native_fn(wrap(test_function));
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert("test", test_function).extend(Prelude::iter());
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Bool(true));
fn error_reporting_with_destructuring() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let program = "destructure(((true, 1), (2, 3)))";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("destructure", |values: Vec<(bool, f32)>| {
.map(|(flag, x)| if flag { x } else { 0.0 })
let err = module.with_env(&env)?.run().unwrap_err();
let err_message = err.source().kind().to_short_string();
assert!(err_message.contains("Cannot convert primitive value to bool"));
assert!(err_message.contains("location: arg0[1].0"));
fn function_with_context() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] fn call(
ctx: &mut CallContext<'_, f32>,
func: Function<f32>,
value: f32,
) -> EvalResult<f32> {
let args = vec![ctx.apply_call_location(Value::Prim(value))];
func.evaluate(args, ctx)
let program = "(|x| { x + 1 }).call(1)";
let block = Untyped::<F32Grammar>::parse_statements(program)?;
let module = ExecutableModule::new(WildcardId, &block)?;
let mut env = Environment::new();
env.insert_wrapped_fn("call", call);
assert_eq!(module.with_env(&env)?.run()?, Value::Prim(2.0));