Macro const_decoder::decode

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macro_rules! decode {
    ($decoder:expr, $bytes:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Computes the output length in compile time and decodes the input. This allows to skip specifying output length manually.

The macro accepts two comma-separate expressions. The first arg must evaluate to Decoder, SkipWhitespace, or Pem. The second argument must evaluate to &[u8]. Both expressions must be assignable to constants. The output of a macro is an array [u8; N] with the decoded bytes.


§Usage with Decoders

use const_decoder::{decode, Decoder};

const HEX: &[u8] = &decode!(Decoder::Hex, b"c0ffee");
const BASE64: &[u8] = &decode!(Decoder::Base64, b"VGVzdCBzdHJpbmc=");
// Can be used with custom decoders as well
const BASE32: &[u8] = &decode!(

§Usage with SkipWhitespace

const HEX: &[u8] = &decode!(
    b"c0ff ee00 beef",

§Usage with Pem

const PRIVATE_KEY: &[u8] = &decode!(
    b"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----",