//! High-level applications for proofs defined in this crate.
//! For now, the applications are:
//! - [`EncryptedChoice`]. Single-choice or multi-choice selection from a predefined
//! list of options, with summable selection ciphertexts.
//! - [`QuadraticVotingBallot`]. [Quadratic voting] on a predefined list of options,
//! with summable selection ciphertexts.
//! [Quadratic voting]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_voting
mod choice;
mod quadratic_voting;
pub use self::{
ChoiceParams, ChoiceVerificationError, EncryptedChoice, MultiChoice, ProveSum, SingleChoice,
quadratic_voting::{QuadraticVotingBallot, QuadraticVotingError, QuadraticVotingParams},